Communications, data and information exchange are the key elements of the operational ocean monitoring and forecasting networks, defined in the Global Ocean Observing System (GOOS). Development of observing and closely related operational forecasting system in the Black Sea region requires the exchange of significant data and information volumes. |
ASCABOS is designed to strengthen the communication system ensuring flexible and operative infrastructure for data and information exchange between partners and end users.
ASCABOS aims to increase public awareness and to stimulate and motivate the utilization of operational oceanographic information in regional management and decision-making practices. In the same time, high level of the operational services must be built and retained. ASCABOS supports achievement of these crucial objectives by initiating an educational and training programme designed for young scientists and wide spectrum of end users.
Considerable work has been performed on compiling meta-databases on the Black Sea environmental data, information and research within previous international initiatives and projects. To support and to strengthen the exchange between scientists, governmental managers and other users ASCABOS is planning to combine experiences and instruments in order to develop a Black Sea information system, containing all available metadata, validated and efficiently updated through the Internet.
ASCABOS plans to organize a cost-effective VOS pilot programme, applying modern technologies and developments for data collection, transmission, storage, use and dissemination. The VOS programme will respond to the GOOS demand for long-term monitoring of the marine ecosystems.
In conformity with the above set the project strategic objectives are:
To build capacity through establishment and strengthening of the communications between partners and education and training of young scientists and end-users.
To prepare necessary organizational, technological and technical prerequisites for integrated and operative Black Sea observing system.
Establish an effective dialogue among all relevant Black Sea institutions and with international programmes, for a coherent implementation of the regional information and forecasting system.
Promote the European contribution to the global ocean and climate observing systems, as planned in the GMES and GEOSS.
Optimise the use of the best human resources in the Black Sea region, encouraging greater participation by women scientists.
Encourage the young scientists and technologists to master innovative thinking and emerging technologies for sustained cost-effective ocean monitoring and forecasting.
Contribute to the integration, strengthening, extension and internationalisation of the European Research Area.
Uphold European competitiveness in ocean monitoring according to the GOOS and Black Sea GOOS strategic objectives.